Saturday 30 January 2010

Winter Romance WIP 3 + Anne Hathaway WIPS 2 & 3

Ok, two WIPS firstly here for the Anne Hathaway portrait I am doing :) Probably spent about 2 hours on this by now which isnt bad - its a pretty small piece by the way, only 16 cm x 12 cm!

Firstly I coloured in the skin basically, and started on the hair. In the second picture you can see how I have worked more on the skin to give it more depth, and also lend it a more rosy tint (before it was a bit too yellow... although on my screen the second picture looks more yellow than the first..... whoops lol. Thats just the photo of it I promise!). I have also added more to the hair.

In terms of the Winter Romance piece, this is a massive transition from the last stage, a bare sketch, and about an hour more work (which considering, isnt too bad! Up to about 2 and a half hours on this now, maybe 3) - I have fixed her face for starters, but also flipped the sketch horizantally, shrunk it and placed it slightly differently. However, as you may notice I have not painted in her left arm (the right arm as we look at it). I just cant get the anatomy right. This I think will probably be one of the last things I end up painting!

I have put in a background - which hopefully I can refine a little more (this is not a definite, backgroudns arent my forte, and it might look better being left as this). But, I'm pretty happy with this so far. I like the mood it gives the picture so far!

I also laid down basic colour blocks. This is in preparation for basic shading, after which I will merge the sketch layer with the colour layer and begin the refining process. Wish me luck with that!

1 comment:

Mossy said...

That picture of Anne Hathaway is looking really good O: SKILLS, MAN.

I like the way your winter romance pic is turning out, haha. It looks really good! I like their outfits and how warm the lady's is.

If you're having trouble with that arm there why not just have it like down to her side with her fingers spread out, kind of? YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN that kind of fey hand pose?