Thursday 14 January 2010

Winter Romance Restart

Well, you may have seen my WIP on Deviantart for a contest entry with the theme "Winter Romance". (see below)

I decided today that, rather than re-working the sketch I'd start completely from scratch with a whole new tack. Now, I intend to do this piece digitally :) I hope that will give me greater control and manipulation of the anatomy which I found so challenging in the pencil sketch, and also hopefully it will allow me to be much more adventorous with my background, knowing I can always paint over it if needs be!

So, the top picture is the new first WIP of the piece - fear my rough stick figures! Haha :) This is a sketch of the background. Mmmm I love those windows <333 The stance of the character will remain the same though but I will redraw them :)

I used perspective I learnt way back in Graphic design class at school (wow. School did come in handy in a real life situation! Whaddaya know lol), I forget what its called but it works on 30 degree angles. I dont have a protractor, so I'm guessing but I'm trying to use the principle. I have made sure that all of the lines line up the same. I.e. the floor lines up with the top of the fireplace etc. Some of it looks wierd but I have actually checked it and it all matches up. Kooky! :O

Anyway. Enough rambling :D Enjoy! Crits as always appreciated :)

1 comment:

Mossy said...


Going digitally is the best way to go for this piece, I reckon! You can get a LOT more done, especially with lighting and whatnot, REALLY hone it good.

I look forward to seeing how this turns out! :D