Saturday 14 May 2011

Luke WIPs 1 & 2

So at the moment I've gotten back into writing my book. I've come to a bit of a lull with the writing; for now the well of inspiration has run a little dry but I am really inspired to try and draw all the characters.

So here is Luke one of the main few characters. I have gathered reference photos to use for all my characters; I know what they look like in my head but pinning down all that detail isnt easy. So for help with this one... none other than Ashton Kutcher. He looks sort of like the Luke in my head! The best match I found, anyway. I went through a lot of people before I settled on him as the best Luke lookalike. Anyway, I'm not sure how far I will take each of these portraits.

To note on this one, this is I think will be the first time I've painted a beard. I hate facial hair! Its hard!

Here is about 2 hours work on the sketch and basic colour/shade. I might do this on all the characters I've nailed so far and then maybe develop some/all from there. Of I might continue with this one. Who knows. :) I dont intent to spend too long on these if I can help it. :)

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