Friday 3 September 2010

Meg's First Cake! - The Finished Thing!

Today, I made my very first cake! How exciting :D

I made it to the basic recipe of a Victoria sponge, but for the decoration I made it up myself so I'm so so happy with how it came out! Tomorrow is when it will be tasted properly (We've had the offcuts and it was very nice but havent tried the proper finished cake yet!) so I can only hope it tastes as nice as it looks :D

There are obviously some rough patches - this is a first attempt so far from perfect! but gosh, so fun! Very tiring though, it took me an hour to prep and cook this, and TWO WHOLE HOURS to decorate it! So tired right now haha!.

Let me know what you think!

You can find all the progress shots and steps here:

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