Saturday 25 April 2009

Crafts + WIP

Golly do I have a varied update for you all this week!

I've been
working on a new piece - I have been trying to do a sketch a day, but when I sketched this piece, I just wanted to carry on and on and on..! The only reason I'm not yet currently colouring it is due to a lack of copic sketch markers for base colours - I'm really into using a layer of markers for a solid base, and then colouring over that with pencil crayons. So so fun and satisfying!

I have however done a colour test which is shown below - this was a photocopy of the ink roughly coloured in (really really roughly as you will see!) just so I can get an idea of what it will turn out like. I'm totally stuck on the background, however I'm pretty happy with the colours :)

Also, in college on Thursday I had a really good idea for how to make clip on earrings. I dont have my ears pieced but I adore earings, I have to say - they are so elegent and pretty. I would love to wear them... My boyfriends mother got me, a while back, a matching earring / necklace set. I've never been able to wear the earrings, but this week I've experimented and last night, I finally made them into a pair of clip ons! Well.. they dont "clip" as such.. maybe "grip" ons is more accurate!

Nevertheless, please please offer me feedback and critique on the earrings. This is obviously a first attempt, there are bits I'm not happy with, and I would love to be able to refine my technique so I can make more grip-on earrings in general for sale on my etsy site :D

Cookies to anyone who read all that, now, enjoy the art! :P



Mossy said...

Oooh, that drawing is neeeat O: WHY DO YOU DO HAIR SO GOOD HMMMM? But I love the lineart, you are just too good at that~

Also the earrings are just... WOW. They're very elegant and pretty~ I've never seen that kind of grippy thing before O: But it looks like it'd work! I don't have any crits, hurhur, sorry ): They just look really really good!

thali said...

Oh my, I love the earrings! <3 It's so clever ... Hurrah that you can wear them now~! C:

I honestly don't have any crits for them (I don't know much about jewelry) but to me they seem neat, elegant and very pretty.

Oh, I love the drawing, too~!