Saturday 24 September 2011

Arya Svitkona - WIP 3

Erm... I wish I could show you some more steps inbetween this one and WIP 2but to be honest I've just been absorbed in this I've lost track of the progress made and haven't been able to put it down!

This is another 3 hours of work, on the face as you can see, bringing the total time now spent drawing this up to 5 hours; still a long way to go. I am having so much fun drawing this though, it's just... amazing to be able to paint someone I see in my head and it actually coming out how it's supposed to. I have such a clear image when I think of Arya as I read the books.. it's odd! I also feel like this has reopened the floodgates for my inspiration, and I feel so enthusiastic about this piece like I haven't about my art in a while. I'd also like to note I'm not using a reference for this... I'm just trying to put down what's in my head.. So thus far I'm pretty proud of it. Can you tell I'm not using a reference?


Ess Gee said...

Wow Meg this coming along nicely! Brilliant!

Unknown said...

Thank you Pixi! :D