Sunday 4 July 2010

Clothing Concept - Wedding Dress

So I went to the most amazing wedding yesterday. I honestly believe that I will never ever be at such a stunning wedding ever again - not even my own. It was held in a cathedral, which in itself was breathtaking (need I say more, I'm sure you have all been to a cathedral and they are undeniably impressive in architecture and design - oh how I wish they built buildings like that these days...), but the brides dress... wow. I can honestly barely remember it, I saw it for such a short time but it was the most beautiful creation I have ever seen, I just had to try and draw it. I'm sure this isnt very accurate though.. I hope I can get ahold of some photos to be jawdropped at lol. Never seen such a lovely looking bride :)

The bottom of the dress was, I think, netting. All over it were shiny little things (I think they were gem type things), and right at the front there was a large focal piece made of many combined.

Stunning. If only I could have done it justice with my comparative scribble but, eh, it was fun to draw all the same!

I hope to make more outfit designs using the base I created for this - its an area I've always wanted to explore yet.. never done! Enjoy :D

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