Friday, 28 March 2008

Chii-chan [ink / WIP]

Well people have been suggesting I draw more fanart. I'm in a really big art rut at the moment, and finding it hard to draw at all (seriously. Like I've forgotten how to draw... D= )

So.. yes. Tonight I just started idly doodling, rather than trying to force a doodle out and chii-chan showed up ^_^; Chobits was the first manga I read, and the first manga series I completed reading, hehe :3

So yes. This is the ink, and I'll be marker colouring it probably. I could use the practice :)


lovelove <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eee, that looks really cute! XD Chii looks great in your style, dude~ And the flowy hair is just looove <3