Saturday, 29 March 2008

Chii-chan [Finished Picture]

[ Tools used: black ink pen (width 0.38), letraset markers, prismacolor markers, karismacolor pencils ]

Well this is the finished version! Hasnt taken long to do at all, and it was very nice to draw indeed. Rather relaxing. Its been so long since I properly sat down and drew something traditionally and I really enjoyed getting back to markers again, very much, as well as a piece which is more fun than serious and detailed :D I don't often do fanart but a watcher had suggested doing a chobits piece so.. why the heck not xD

I do apologise for the poor quality scan though. I scanned at 300dpi but.. yes. Sadly my scanner loves to eat anything I put in it so its still immensly grainy even at this small size.. :(

(May make a wallpaper of this actually.. who knows :3 )

So.. enjoy! :)

lovelove! <3

Friday, 28 March 2008

Chii-chan [ink / WIP]

Well people have been suggesting I draw more fanart. I'm in a really big art rut at the moment, and finding it hard to draw at all (seriously. Like I've forgotten how to draw... D= )

So.. yes. Tonight I just started idly doodling, rather than trying to force a doodle out and chii-chan showed up ^_^; Chobits was the first manga I read, and the first manga series I completed reading, hehe :3

So yes. This is the ink, and I'll be marker colouring it probably. I could use the practice :)


lovelove <3

Thursday, 27 March 2008

From sketch to finished picture! :) Fernelda commission

Well this is the progression of a commission I have just finished right from preliminary sketch to finished painted photoshop drawing, with a few more WIPs than I've already posted :) You can see the progression a little better :3 I've never done one of these before (i.e. lots of WIPs) properly so.. yes. Cool lol. Really really happy with how the final piece has turned out. So proud of it! :D

Well, enjoy!

lovelove! <3

Monday, 24 March 2008

Commission [WIP] + "Son of Dragons" [INK, WIP]

Well this first piece is an ink. I will be selling this finished traditional piece because from about mid April on I need to scrounge together whatever money I can x_x; Not looking forward to it lol. Bleh. But yes. This ink is "Son of Dragons". The dragon you see inked on the right is the same one as on his tattoo, but because of the small scale (its A6 IRL) I was not able to ink it so well. Eep. But yes, I look forward to colouring this. :)

Another progress shot from the commission I'm working on at the moment! Really having fun on it :) she needs the rest of her hair though hehe!

Thats all for now, enjoy! :D

lovelove! <3>

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Commission WIP

This is the final sketch from the commission image I posted in my last sketchblog :)

My tablet is on the blink at the moment but I'm still attempting to draw it digitally in Photoshop *sigh* Here's hoping it randomly STOPS spazzing out soon, ugh.

But here for now is the sketch. Pretty happy with it, and the commissioner is liking hows its turning out too, yay :)

That's all for now!

lovelove <3

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Commission WIP

Its been a while.. whoops! ^^;

But here is a sketch for a commission I'm currently working on :) Going to be digitally drawn up, when I have the time. I went way overboard on the details on the face / ears, because I had altitle time on my hands, lol, but eh. Ah well! Very fun commission so far :)

Still have a little work to do on the sketch before I can draw it up in Photoshop, but yes. Really enjoying it so far! Havent used a reference for facial features, but I did use one for the expression, hurr :3 Yay realism <3

Thats all for now, catch you later!

Lovelove <3>