Thursday, 31 January 2008

"Rebirth" [Finished Piece]

This is ahead of the image being posted up on DeviantART tomorrow. You guys get a special advance preview, just 'cos :P

So this is the finished version of "Rebirth". It didnt come out as I'd intended (hell, does it ever ¬_¬; ), she was initially supposed to be emerging from a pool of dark water, the background and the pool/ ripples of water simply faded into black. but.. eh. That never happened lol. Yay for generic starry backgrounds, right? o-o; Well anyway.

Enjoy! :D

lovelove <3>


Mossy said...

Ooh, fancy-schmancy! I dunno, I like how this turned out XD The starry background is nice! *Gnaw* 8] *WillcommentmoreonDAbutthisstillgetsaTHUMBSUP*

Unknown said...

Thanks Mossy x3 <3